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Auf dieser Seite findest du alle Informationen, die du für eine Teilnahme an Tipping Points brauchst. Bitte melde dich frühzeitig über das Online-Formular an, aber lies bitte auch die ganze Seite bis unten durch.

1) Registration

Tipping Points #10 findet von 7. bis 9. Juni in Graz in verschiedenen Locations statt!

Du weißt schon, dass du zu Tipping Points #10 kommen willst und welche Workshops du besuchen willst? Falls nicht, schau dir nochmal das Programm an. Eine frühe Anmeldung hilft uns bei der Planung massiv! Es dauert auch nicht lang.

2) Location

Tipping Points #10 findet in Graz statt. Diesmal haben wir uns für eine Sammlung an Räumen im Stadtzentrum entschieden, die sehr nahe beieinander liegen. Die Haupt-Location, wo auch der Check-in und der Infotisch sein werden, ist im the European Center for Foreign Languages..

The Adresse is: Nikolaiplatz 4, 8020 Graz
If you arrive from outside of Graz, please get yourselves traintickets early.

A "how to get there" can be found unnder point 3) Getting there + Travel costs

3) Getting there + Travel costs

Should you travel from outside Graz you can get your travel costs reimbused. Please keep your ticket and contact us at the check-in desk.

It's a 25 minute walk form Graz main station.
Alternatively, you can take a tram 1, 4, 6 or 7 to "Südtiroler Platz/Kunsthaus". From there it is 5 minutes on foot.

Please plan for an extra 15 minute at your first arrival for the check-in and to orient yourself in the different locations.

4) Participants' donation

Organizing events, setting up a great workshop programme, inviting speakers, cooking for people, the additional program – we want to offer you all of this, and it all costs money.

At the same time, we want skills and methods to be accessible to as many people as possible. That's why there is a recommendation for different participation donations that you can choose depending on your possibilities:

  • Subsidised participation: Donation recommendation €0 – €10 per workshop, €2 per meal
  • Standard participation: Recommended donation €10 – 20 per workshop, €5 per meal
  • Solidarity participation: Recommended donation €40 per workshop, €10 per meal
  • Supporter Package: Donation recommendation: from €160 for the entire event + goodie bag as a thank you! 🙂

You can transfer the fee when you register or pay in cash on site. Higher donations make it possible for others to pay less.

Account details:
Account name: Humus
IBAN: AT47 3412 9000 0891 2495
Reference: Spende Tipping Points 10

5) Corona

Covid is not history yet! But fortunately the pandemic no longer poses as great a threat as before. Therefore, there are no strict rules from our side. However, since Tipping Points brings together a lot of people from different backgrounds, some of whom may need to be more careful than you, we ask that you do not come with symptoms without getting tested first. bitten wir dich, nicht mit Symptomen zu kommen, ohne dich vorher zu testen.

There will be some anti-gene tests on site at check-in if you are unsure. Masks will also be available. Anti-Gen Tests geben, falls ihr euch unsicher seid. Außerdem werden Masken zur Verfügung stehen.

If you personally feel unsafe, feel free to wear a mask. We ask all those whose safety needs and initial medical situations are different to treat them respectfully and communicate carefully.

6) Barrieres

Physical barriers
Our main location (European Foreign Language Center of the Council of Europe) is at ground level and close to the street, has public parking spaces around the corner (Grieskai) and is connected to public transport (Hotel Weitzer bus stop 160m or Grießplatz bus stop 260m). The rooms are easily accessible for wheelchairs. There is a barrier-free toilet. Parkplätze ums Eck (Grieskai) und ist an öffentliche Verkehrsmittel angebunden (Bushaltestelle Hotel Weitzer 160m oder Bushaltestelle Grießplatz 260m). Die Räumlichkeiten sind für Rollstühle gut erreichbar. Es gibt eine barrierefreie Toilette.

At our other locations, which are within a radius of 3 minutes/150m in Grießgasse, there are two steps to overcome at the entrance. There are no barrier-free toilets there. keine barrierefreien Toiletten.

Please indicate in your registration whether you cannot overcome the steps, then we will see to it that we can set up your desired workshops in the language center. If you would like support, please contact us..

The workshop program is ¾ in German, in every slot there is a workshop in English (see programme overview). The evening programme will be interpreted into English.siehe Programmübersicht). Die Abendprogrammpunkte werden auf Englisch gedolmetscht.  

People with visual impairments
None of our locations are equipped with tactile guidance systems. The main location is spread over two floors, but is clear and navigable for people with visual impairments. We can provide you with an accompanying person. Please contact us in advance.

Deaf people
Unfortunately we do not have sign interpreting.

Will alcohol be consumed during the events?
At the evening events there will be alcoholic drinks. However, Tipping Points is not a party event, so there will be no excessive alcohol consumption. An awareness team is always available should unpleasant situations arise.

Let's fight the barriers!
If you want to take part in Tipping Points in the future, but there are any barriers standing in your way at the moment, please write an email to

If you want to receive our newsletter you can sign-up here! The newsletter is sent out a maximum of 3 times per event (save the date + registration opens). Not more often. Not regularly.
