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Friends and Supporters

Tipping Points is and has been supported by various organisations over the years, especially through local and active collaboratoin in the respective cities. Financial support also helps us to offer our workshops free of charge or in return for free donations. We are very grateful for a wide range of support, financial sponsorship and contributions - including from individuals - as well as collaboration and exchange with groups.

Tipping Points #10 was organised...

… organised by Humus – Nährboden für Veränderung
in cooperation with System Change, not Climate Change Graz and Junge Linke Österreich
supported friendly by Spektral

System Change Logo
System Change, RG Graz
Junge Linke
Spektral Graz

We are greatful for the long lasting support:

System Change Logo
System Change, not Climate Change
Projekt “Tipping Points 4 Justice”

We would like to thank all the earlier partners and supporters for cetain editions since 2019
