Tipping Points 4 Justice is an EU-funded project that enables skillshare weekends not only in Austria, but also in Poland. The events in Poland are independent, but pursue the same goal: empowerment for committed people and groups & skillshares for methods. In 2023, 2 events have already taken place in Poznan. You can find more details at project partner CzasKultury.
In addition, as part of Tipping Points 4 Justice, a handbook is being produced that contains valuable how-tos and the most important learnings from over 10 online and offline Tipping Points events. It is intended to support you if you have similar plans - whether it is facilitating skills shares, organizing large-scale emancipatory events or empowering and networking groups. You can pre-order it as a PDF here.
The Tipping Points 4 Justice handbook will be published in 2024 and will be available free of charge or for a free donation to cover printing costs. You will then find information on this website. If you want to receive news about this and the international exchange of experience in your inbox, register now for the newsletter from Humus, the association behind Tipping Points.

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